Thursday, August 02, 2007

bridge collapse

Current subject of the Media Circus is the bridge collapse in Minneapolis. Horrible tragedy, yes. A sign of things to come, maybe.

In what condition was this bridge?
"In 2005, engineers rated the I-35 bridge in Minnesota as 'structurally
deficient' and possibly in need of replacement." -- NPR
What does that mean, "structurally deficient?"
"Most bridges that are structurally deficient are not in danger of falling down, but they are likely to be load-posted so that heavier trucks will be required to take an alternative, longer route." -- USDOT Federal Highway Administration
How many bridges fall in this category? About 24.5% nationwide. And in DC? As of 2006 DC had 214 bridges, 88 of which were "structurally deficient," or 41%. (Better Roads) Eighty-eight bridges in DC rated the same as the Minneapolis bridge. I sincerely hope that the Department of Transportation will find money to fix these deficient DC bridges.
Those bridges appearing on the list with a sufficiency rating of less than 50.0 will be eligible for replacement or rehabilitation while those with a sufficiency rating of 80.0 or less will be eligible for rehabilitation. -- USDOT
I don't know what this means. The chance that a bridge inspector will comment on this site are nil. For now I am going to turn off the TV and pretend this problem doesn't exist. America will join me in denial as soon as the media moves back to covering celebrity hijinx.

Until another bridge collapses.

UPDATE 8-3: Heard Whitehouse spokesman Tony Snow say this bridge was rated 50 out of 120. Then I read in the Washington Post this bridge was rated 50 out of 100. Whatever; it fell down. Perhaps 50 a bad enough rating to close it before it falls down.


Anonymous said...

Britney & KFed celebrated their divorce at DLand? Really? That's crazy. How to I get to Disneyland without crossing any bridges, btw?

Anonymous said...

Britney & KFed celebrated their divorce at DLand? That's just crazy! Wow!

BTW, how do I get to Anaheim from my house without crossing any bridges?