Donner + Blitzen - Zen = Thundercheese.
1 can sweet potatoes
add 1 beaten egg
Form in round balls
Place marshmallow in
center -- roll in cornflakes
fry in deep fat - 360°
1 lb sugar (2 c)
1 lb butter
1 lb eggs (9 or 10)
1 lb flour (4 c)
2 lbs sultana raisins
2 lbs dates
2 lbs figs
1 lb candied cherries
1/2 lb citron
1/4 lb candied lemon
1/4 lb candied orange
1 lb almonds or any other nuts
juice and rind of one lemon and one orange
1/2 c butter
1/2 c meat fryings
1 1/2 c brown sugar
3 well beaten eggs
2 1/2 c flour
1 tsp soda dissolved in 1/4 c warm water
1 tbsp cinnamon
pinch salt
1 tsp vanilla