Friday, April 13, 2007

blog-o-meal #2

Thirty-two course dinner.

Some of what I remember...

"Americano" -- frothy seltzer version of the Campari drink.
Tumbleweed of beet -- fried ball of beet amazingness.
Apple crisps -- w/ saffron & fennel pollen.
Cotton candy foie gras! -- yes, rly.
"Bagels & Lox" -- no, not rly. Middle-eastern dough, salmon eggs, cream cheese+...
Conch fritter -- oh, yeah.
Olive oil bonbon -- jewel of olive oil that bursts in your mouth.
Ferran Adria "olives" -- I really can't explain this. If you put one in a glass with chilled vodka you could sell the drink for $20 a pop. Trust me.
Deconstructed glass of white wine-- eleven ingredients laid out in an aspic that are the flavors people find in white wine, sprayed with a fine mist of white wine.
Zucchini in textures -- roasted pureed zucchini with zucchini seeds on top in a gelatin kind of thing.
Feta "linguine" -- pasta made with feta whey, with feta and tomato marmalade.
63 degree C quail egg with osetra caviar and passionfruit.
JOE! We had sea urchin ceviche with passionfruit foam.
"Guacamole" -- tomato sorbet in a tube of avocado topped with tomato, cilantro, and FRITOS.
New New England Clam Chowder -- clams, potato puree, clam foam!, chive oil, fried potato minicubes.
Japanese baby peaches with Greek yogurt.
Mysterious Thai dessert that is simultaneously sweet, salty, sour, spicy, and peanuty.
Big ball of fluff that explodes in green tea flavor.
The check-- it comes in an eggshell that the host pounds on the table for you, leaving a pile of eggshell crumbs (and the check); and yes, the amount was close to the GDP of some 3rd world countries.

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