Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Lee Majors

So I have three pairs of eyeglasses. It's a long story. Anyway today I am wearing the pair my wife likes the least, and she said I looked like Lee Majors. I don't think she knows who he is. Of course I took this as a wonderful compliment, and started singing to her the theme song from "The Fall Guy"--

"I'm not the kind to kiss and tell, but I've been seen with Farrah..."

Now at this point I cannot for the life of me remember the rest of the Fall Guy song, but still the tune goes on in my head and mutates into this horribleness... "they've got nuthin' but their jeans, but they've got, diffrent strokes, it takes, diffrent strokes, it takes, diffrent strokes to move the world."

If you are still reading this you are probably now cursed with TWO damnable TV sitcom theme songs in your head.

I watched too much television as a kid, obviously.

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