Thursday, November 08, 2007

another reason to hate Starbucks

At the Starbucks I went to this morning the employees yell across the room at everyone in line to get their order. You must, if you are in line, yell back to them what you want. If you don't, if you just stand there, staring into space, they will yell at you louder. People behind you will yell their order and cut in front of you. Why doesn't he yell his coffee order? He must be a foreign tourist.

After I yelled, "TALL COFFEE!", from five people back, I got to the register. "What would you like?" "Tall coffee." After paying, the cashier took money from the next person. I still had no coffee. "Could I have a tall coffee please?" "Here you go."

I had to order it three times. Even if I had ordered a venti mocha crappachino, I'd also have to say my order three times: 1.yelling across the room 2.paying 3.picking up (or reordering when they forget to make your coffee).

I don't want to yell my order from ten people back. I want to order when I get up to the cashier. Since they don't let you do this, since they force you to act like a loudmouth jerk, I am boycotting this Starbucks store. I will have to try one of the four other Starbucks within a two-block radius of my office. (Four may not be correct; might be six, maybe more.)

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